The staff member provides, authorizes, coordinates and evaluates services for clients based upon the objectives identified in the Independent Living Plan (ILP) or elsewhere in the case file if a waiver has been signed.

Rehabilitation Services for the Blind will use only those professional service providers who meet applicable agency certification requirements.


Rehabilitation Services for the Blind, in accordance with its State Plan, may provide as appropriate to the Independent Living Rehabilitation (ILR) needs of each client, the following services:

A.  ADVOCACY SERVICES - May include training the client in self-advocacy skills such as speaking up for oneself, advocating for personal rights or against discrimination, positively asserting one’s needs and appropriate techniques for meeting one’s needs.

B.  ASSISTIVE DEVICES/EQUIPMENT - Specialized devices and equipment which will enable the client to function more independently.  These may include but are not limited to such items as magnifiers, low vision lamps and sun shields.

C.  COMMUNICATION SERVICES - May include braille instruction, interpreter services, reader services and training in the use of communication equipment such as adaptive telephones, various time pieces and writing guides.

D.  COUNSELING AND RELATED SERVICES - As provided by agency staff, this may include personal adjustment counseling, peer counseling and related services.  Agency staff may support peer counseling for the client with others of similar abilities to enhance social skills and promote emotional support.

E.  FAMILY SERVICES - May be provided when necessary for improving the client’s ability to live and function more independently.  These may include but are not limited to such services as counseling, peer support and training in adaptive independent living skills.

F.  INFORMATION AND REFERRAL SERVICES - Agency staff may assist the client in obtaining access to benefits, other agencies, programs and services by providing information and making referrals as appropriate.

G.  ORIENTATION AND MOBILITY TRAINING - As provided by agency staff to enhance the client’s ability to travel safely and independently within the home and/or community.  Services may include training in accessing public transportation, use of the long white cane and sighted guide techniques and when requested, assistance in acquisition of a guide dog.

H.  PHYSICAL RESTORATION - Services such as authorization of eye examinations, prescriptive eyewear, low vision evaluations and diabetic evaluation and education may be provided.

I.  RECREATIONAL SERVICES - Agency staff may identify and/or provide opportunities for the involvement of the client in meaningful leisure time activities.  Services may include provision of adapted equipment such as large print or Braille playing cards or board games and children’s toys.

J.  REHABILITATION TEACHING - These services involve evaluation and training in activities of daily living by agency staff.  ADL may include but are not limited to financial management, personal and health maintenance, home management, meal preparation and social skills.  Also included may be education and training necessary for living in the community and participating in community activities.

K.  REHABILITATION TECHNOLOGY - Agency staff may assist the client in obtaining through other sources, adaptive technology such as large print and speech software programs.

L.  TRANSPORTATION - Transportation may be provided in the most economical manner to meet the client’s needs and only in support of other ILR services.  It may include travel by private auto (reimbursed at no higher than the state rate for mileage) or public transportation such as bus, taxi, train, air travel, etc (at actual charge).  It may include the client and attendant or escort as necessary and related expenses including subsistence during travel.

M.  OTHER SERVICES - Any ILR services not listed above may be listed under this category that may be necessary to substantially improve the ability of an individual with a significant disability to function, continue to function independently in their own environment.



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