SUBJECT: Clients Whose Sight is Restored as a Result of VR Physical Restoration Services


DATE:  February 28, 1985


Sight restoration is an appropriate service for VR clients. Clients who are visually eligible for VR services at the time accepted remain eligible even if the sight is restored as a result of physical restoration services arranged by the agency. Once closed if the former client reapplies for services, visual eligibility for VR must be re-determined. Limited post-employment services may be planned at the time of closure. If additional services are needed and planned within a reasonable length of time, the case should be left open. Reasonable would be one year or less. Once any VR case is closed, major services should be handled with a reapplication and not as a post-employment service.          


Surgery would be considered as a major service.  If on reapplication the client is not visually eligible, even if as a result of agency physical restoration services, the application should be rejected and the client referred to appropriate resources. DVR would be an appropriate resource.


Example: A client who has cataracts was found visually eligible for services, and as a result of corrective surgery, sight in one eye is restored. If the physician’s recommendation that the cataract in the other eye should be removed and a specific date is set for removal, the case should be left open. If an undetermined date is given, the case can be closed if that is the only service needed. On reapplication, eligibility will be determined on the same basis as any other referral to the agency. This includes current visual eligibility.  If not currently visually eligible, referral to DVR would be appropriate.


