November 16, 1995




From:   William Hagood


Subject: Timeliness Standards


Please review the attached document which reflects those cases in which Federally established timeliness standards are being exceeded or RSB good practice standards are being exceeded.  In an effort to meet Federal requirements that eligibility determinations be completed within 60 days of the date of application, we are requesting that each district supervisor review the current caseload listings as well as future caseload listings to comply with Federal requirements.        In addition, please review all status 10 cases that do not meet good practice standards and ensure that these cases are moved into the appropriate status as soon as possible.


Finally, if after your review of the cases in status 22, you determine that a case remains open beyond 60 days without appropriate justification, please ensure that these cases are closed in status 26 or other appropriate statuses.


RSB timeliness standards are reflected in Attachment A. These, of course, are a combination of RSB and Federal expectations.


If you have any questions, please let me know at your earliest convenience.




Attachment A


RSB Timeliness Standards


The following guidelines should be utilized to ensure that applicants/clients are provided services in a timely manner.        As you will recall, these standards have been in place since January 1, 1991.


Please refer to monthly staff caseload printouts to determine if corrective action is necessary to remain in compliance with these requirements and expectations. The timeliness standards are as outlined below:


1. Status 00:  not to exceed 45 calendar days from the date of referral. (VR‑ILR)

2. Status 02:  shall not exceed 60 calendar days from the date of a signed application for services from RSB‑ This 60‑day period can be extended only with the written approval of the applicant. (VR‑ILR)

3. Status 06:  VR cases only ‑ cannot remain in this status for more than 18 months.

4. Status 10:  should not remain in this status for more than 90 calendar days. (VR‑ILR)

5.  Status 20:  Should not exceed 90 calendar days. (VR)

6. Status 22:  Should not exceed 90 calendar days (VR)

7.  Status 24:  Not to exceed 90 calendar days (VR‑ILR)


