E-Mail dtd. 6/14/05        


From:  Mike Merrick


To:  District Supervisors


I recently (Friday of last week) had 150 or so of the new referral postcards sent to each of your offices.  These are copies of the postcards that are sent out to new consumers along with the NFB and MCB brochures from State Office when their cases are opened.  The reason we are sending them to you is so that your staff may carry them and provide them to consumers who relate an interest in consumer groups at any time following the initial referral.  We anticipated at the time of the discussion of these cards with the consumer groups that many consumers would not be interested immediately at referral; so it is important that these cards be available to consumers whenever they do desire contact with MCB and NFB.  As you will notice, they are printed with both organizations' cards held together at a serrated edge. Please ask your staff to give both out at the same time.


Thank you for your support of this effort.


Mike Merrick

Policy Development Coordinator

Rehabilitation Services for the Blind