BEP(Business Enterprise Program)
Referral Process

The Referral

The VR Counselor will refer a consumer to the BEP (Business Enterprise Program) program by submitting the completed referral packet to their BEP Area Supervisor.  A completed referral packet should contain copies of the following: referral form, I 9 US citizenship form, Highway Patrol criminal background check form, an eye report signed by the examining physician certifying the consumer’s visual eligibility, certifying information required by the I 9, a copy of a high school diploma or of a GED and a copy of a psychological profile if available.  Note: Visual eligibility is acuity no more than 20/200 in better eye with best correction or field in better eye is restricted to a degree that its widest diameter subtends an angle no greater than twenty degrees.

Area Supervisor / Consumer Meeting

Within two weeks after the date of referral the Area Supervisor will have met with the consumer to acquaint them with the BEP.   The Area Supervisor will also evaluate the consumer for the attributes essential to become a successful BEP Manager. Also during this meeting the BEP Area Supervisor will administer and grade the math test.  A score of 80 percent or higher is required on each of the eight sections to pass.  The meeting must result in a positive evaluation by the Area Supervisor for the process to continue.

Failing Test Scores

If a consumer does not pass the math test it will then be the consumer and the counselor’s responsibility to arrange remedial math training.  When the consumer feels ready to retake the math test, the counselor then will need to notify the Area Supervisor  that the consumer is ready to reschedule the math test

Passed Test Scores

Within one week of receiving a passing score, the Area Supervisor will schedule the on-the-job evaluation. 

Level I - The Area Supervisor will schedule the consumer for a one-week evaluation in an operating facility.

Level II to IV - The Area Supervisor will schedule the consumer for a two-week evaluation in an operating facility (s)

The  BEP Manager will submit an evaluation form to the Training Coordinator within one week following the evaluation.   A  minimum score of 80 % and positive evaluations are required for the process to continue.


Referral  Evaluation

The Training Coordinator will evaluate the referral information  for completeness  and compliance with BEP rule, Section 2; subsection C, and inform the VR Counselor and Area Supervisor of the results.  A positive evaluation is required for the process to continue.


BEP Referral Process

page 2


 Training Scheduled

If all prerequisites have been met, the consumer will be given an eligibility date by the Training Coordinator. This date will establish seniority for attending the Manager’s Training Program.

  VR Counselor’s Check List

(A "_" in the "NO" column stops the process)

Step Process Yes No Completed



The referral to the Area Supervisor has been completed by VR Counselor






     /     /




Did consumer passes mathematics test 






     /     /




Area Supervisor recommends that process proceeds






     /     /




Area Supervisor submits positive recommendation to Training Coordinator






     /     /




Positive evaluation of Consumer data by Training Coordinator






     /     /




 On The Job Evaluation results are positive





     /     /




Training Coordinator interview positive






     /     /




Training Coordinator has issued the consumer an eligibility date






     /     /




Consumer starts training, and becomes a BEP Manager Trainee






     /     /

You have just assisted the consumer

in completing the BEP Training Entry Process!

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s!

