0105.025.15.50 Blind Pension Program Explanation
IM-105 August 23, 2002
Give copies of the following leaflets to each applicant:
- Blind Pension pamphlet, IM-4 Blind Pension
- Hearings pamphlet, IM-4 Hearings
- Medicaid and You pamphlet, IM-4 Medicaid
- Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program
Complete the following forms, at a minimum:
- Application and Eligibility Statement, IM-1MA
- Identification Data, IM-35
- Age Verification Form, IM-11
- Insurance Form, IM-9
- Referral for Social Security Number, if necessary, SSN-1
- Visual Disability Report, IM-68
- Third Party Liability, if needed, TPL-1
- Householder's Certificate, IM-2A
- Statement of Sighted Parent or Spouse, IM-2B
- Request for Direct Deposit, if needed, IM-20
- Request for Information, IM-31A
- HIPP-1, if applicable
Explain the following eligibility requirements:
- receipt of or ineligibility for other assistance,
- total property,
- property transfer,
- residence,
- institutional residence,
- age,
- vision,
- correctional treatment or operation,
- character,
- support from sighted spouse, and
- soliciting alms.
- must have been rejected for SAB within the past 90 days on a factor other
than vision or age
- Prior Quarter Coverage