Chapter 23 - Facilities and Services for Groups of Individuals with Disabilities

(A)  RSB provides vocational rehabilitation services through the facilities and services for groups of individuals with disabilities grant authority. This authority is used when vocational rehabilitation services are not directly related to the individualized written rehabilitation program of an eligible individual but are expected to contribute to the vocational rehabilitation of a group of individuals with disabilities. 361.49, Sec.103(b)

(B)  Prior to use of the facilities and services to groups of individuals with disabilities grant authority, RSB documents the need for the services that will be provided.

1.   Whenever an agency other than RSB provides vocational rehabilitation services through this grant authority, RSB will procure services through a contractual agreement between that agency and RSB.

2.   Whenever RSB provides vocational rehabilitation services directly through this grant authority, RSB describes the nature and scope of the services that will be provided and the manner in which they will be provided, identifies the eligible individual population to which services will be provided and describes the evaluation process that will be used to measure the effectiveness of the services.


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