Chapter 13 - Training Costs

RSB provides training to an eligible individual when the eligible individual needs training in order to achieve a vocational goal that is recorded in the eligible individual’s IPE. Training includes the areas of personal and vocational adjustment, academic training and vocational training. 361.5(b)(58), Sec.6(38)

(A)  Tuition and Fees: RSB applies the following limitations to payment of tuition and fees: 361.48 College Handbook

1.   RSB may pay tuition and fees at state or other public colleges and universities in Missouri, vocational schools or rehabilitation facilities at current verified rates.

2.  RSB may pay tuition and fees at private college or universities in Missouri and at colleges or universities outside of Missouri up to but not to exceed the rate paid at University of Missouri-Columbia for students at a comparable academic level (undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate).

Note: For computation of what RSB may pay at private colleges or universities in Missouri, or at any college or university outside of Missouri, similar costs of tuition and fees at UMC shall include the resident per-credit hour educational fee, plus the recreation facility fee, the student activity fee, the information technology fee and the student health fee.  No other "specialized" fees shall be included in this cost. (Per e-mailed memorandum dtd. 8-21-06 Subject: Computation of RSB Support for Out of State or Private College/University Attendance)

3. If a deaf‑blind eligible individual attends Gallaudet College, RSB may pay the full cost of tuition and fees at Gallaudet College.

4.   RSB limits payment of tuition and fees for academic and vocational training to an eligible individual’s completion of the academic or training curriculum required in order to obtain employment in keeping with the eligible individual’s vocational goal, as recorded in the IPE.

5. Any request for consideration to pay tuition and fees at private college or universities in Missouri and at colleges or universities outside of Missouri at a rate higher than that established at UMC will be subject to the exception provisions expressed in Chapter 26. Exceptions will be considered based on comparable degrees and/or outcomes at the private or out of state programs versus those offered at UMC.

(B)  Support Services Associated with Training: RSB pays for necessary support services associated with training, in accordance with Chapter 15 of the VR Policy and Procedure Manual.

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