Blind Services for Children
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For further information call: 1-800-592-6004
Rehabilitation Services for the Blind
615 Howerton Court
PO Box 2320
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-2320
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- Rehabilitation Services for the Blind (RSB) is a state agency that has staff who specialize in providing free services to blind or visually impaired children ages 0-14 and their families.
- RSB provides casework and/or counseling services to assist the family in maximizing the child’s potential and minimizing the impact of blindness.
- RSB staff provide parent education on how to stimulate blind or visually impaired children and on how to enhance independent living skills.
- RSB staff provide advocacy services for blind or visually impaired children and their families.
- RSB staff will, at the request of families or schools, attend IEP meetings to help identify children’s needs and how to meet those needs.
- RSB staff provide referral and resource information to schools and families about issues involving vision loss.
- RSB staff provide services in the home and will be happy to explain more detail what we can do for you.
- Children 14 and older are also served by RSB in our vocational rehabilitation transition program.