What services are available?

The Older Blind Services program helps seniors who have lost or are losing their sight remain in their homes and keep their independence. Our team helps your where you need it most – in your home. They teach you skills and alternative methods for:

  • Daily living (laundry, identifying money, identifying medications, coordinating clothing)
  • Communication (dialing a phone, telling time, writing checks)
  • Counseling and guidance (understanding feelings and fears about visual impairment and learning ways to cope)
  • Homemaking (marking appliances and safe meal preparation)

Who is eligible?

You may be eligible for help if you:

  • Are unable to read newspaper print, with best correction, due to vision loss
  • Are 55 years old or older
  • Live in Missouri (and intend to remain in Missouri)
  • Are a United States citizen or an eligible qualified non-citizen

How do I get help?

Complete these three simple steps to see if you are eligible for help:



Contact Us


Meet With Us

  • We will come meet with you to talk about your individual needs and options for services



  • If we find that you are eligible for services, we will help you complete an application

Low Vision Resource Centers

Low Vision Resource Centers can temporarily loan you supplies for you to use in your own home. Supplies may include, but are not limited to, magnifiers, Closed-Circuit TV’s and high-intensity lamps. To find a Low Vision Center near you, call RSB toll free at 1-800-592-6004.