Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Our mission is to create opportunities for eligible blind and visually impaired persons in order that they may attain personal and vocational success.
Vocational Rehabilitation
People who are blind and visually impaired work with a rehabilitation team to develop an employment goal and achieve success in employment. This team might include a rehabilitation counselor, a rehabilitation teacher and/or mobility specialist. Blindness does not have to be a barrier to successful employment.

Success Through Employment
There are many blind and visually impaired people working throughout Missouri. These workers perform a variety of tasks from professional activities to unskilled jobs. They work as attorneys, computer programmers, machinists, food service workers, teachers, medical transcribers, receptionists, nurse’s aides and in many other occupations. With the assistance of Rehabilitation Services for the Blind (RSB), many other blind and visually impaired individuals can be productively employed.
Counseling and Guidance

RSB’s rehabilitation team is available to assist in assessing interests and abilities so a suitable vocational goal can be selected.
Vocational rehabilitation services may include:, diagnosis and evaluation, physical restoration, instruction in daily living skills, including Braille and travel training, vocational training, including college, continuing education, tools and equipment, adaptive technology, community-based rehabilitation services for adjustment to blindness and attainment of alternative skills, supported employment, job development, job placement, post-employment services. Most of these services are provided at no cost.

Whether it’s alternative skills training in daily living activities or vocational training to prepare for a specific job or career,
RSB services can be provided to meet individual needs. Resources available include rehabilitation counselors and teachers, orientation and mobility specialists, community-based rehabilitation programs, colleges, continuing education, vocational-technical schools, private vocational schools and on-the-job training.
Job Placement
When individuals are ready for employment, RSB counselors will help in job-seeking efforts. This may involve locating job openings, writing resumes, teaching job interview skills, and arranging worksite modifications. RSB counselors are also available to provide consultation for those having difficulty maintaining employment due to decreased vision.
Rehabilitation Technology

There are currently many technological aids available to enhance a blind individual’s ability to work. These range from the simplest and most inexpensive aids and appliances to the most sophisticated personal computers which can convert print to speech or Braille. RSB personnel are knowledgeable about these aids and can assist in selecting and providing the appropriate equipment for the job.
District Offices Contact Information
If you are interested in the services offered by the Business Enterprise Program, please call Toll Free: 1-800-592-6004, or send e-mail to askrsb@dss.mo.gov