What is Aftercare?

Aftercare is available to help young adults leaving foster care. Services aim to help you develop a support network with mentors and role models who can help as you become an independent adult. Services are meant to be short-term and are available as a safety net to help when:

  • It is not realistic for you to stay in Children’s Division custody after age 18
  • You have asked to leave CD custody after turning 18 and have an approved exit plan
  • Juvenile/Family Court has automatically terminated jurisdiction on or after age 18

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for help through Aftercare, you must be between the ages of 18 and 23 and you must have left foster care on or after your18th birthday.

What services are available?

Aftercare services may be able to help with identifying helpful services and resources needed to become independent, such as Chafee services, the Educational Training Voucher Program, or health care coverage. It may also be able to help with temporary funding for:

  • Emergency/crisis intervention
  • Housing/room and board
  • Educational assistance
  • Job training/employment assistance
  • Other support services, such as life skills, transportation, health care, mentoring, and child care

How do I get help?





  • Once we have your application, we will connect you to your Older Youth Transition Specialist
  • Your Transition Specialist will connect you with your local Chaffee Provider



  • Your Older Youth Transition Specialist will work with you to come up with a plan to help you continue to live independently

What if I need help immediately?

If you are in the middle of a crisis, contact an Older Youth Transition Specialist for immediate help. They should be able to help you directly or connect you with someone who can.

Healthcare for Former Foster Care Youth

If you are a former foster youth and left Children’s Division custody anytime from 30 days before your 18th birthday and are under age 26, you are automatically eligible for MO HealthNet (Missouri Medicaid) coverage regardless of your income or assets. You can apply online or by calling 1-855-373-4636.

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