What is the Educational & Training Voucher Program?
The Educational and Training Voucher (ETV) Program is administered by Foster Care to Success, and gives the Children's Division the opportunity to provide educational and training funds to help eligible youth interested in pursuing higher education to reach their goals. Help through the ETV Program is limited to a total of 5 years, up to your 26th birthday.
Who is eligible?
You may be eligible if you:
- Are currently eligible for the Older Youth Program
- Were in foster care and you were adopted or obtained legal guardianship after your 16th birthday
Additionally, you must:
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent
- Have been accepted to an accredited or pre-accredited public or non-profit college/university, vocational school or certified training program (If not attending school yet)
- Be making satisfactory progress if you are already attending school (generally a "C" average or its equivalency or as otherwise agreed upon with the plan)
- Not have personal assets (bank account, car, home, etc.) worth more than $10,000
- Explore and use any other appropriate scholarships, grants, and financial assistance available to you
- Offer reasonable assurance you will graduate from the educational or training program
What help is available?
The Educational and Training Voucher (ETV) Program may receive up to $5,000 per year to help you with your:
- Tuition and fees
- Room and board
- Rental or purchase of required equipment, materials or supplies (including a computer)
- Allowance for books, supplies, transportation, etc.
- Child care
- Special study projects
How do I apply?
- Complete your application for ETV and make sure you have an active email account.
Submit your application and these required forms:
- ETV Student Cashier Statement
- ETV Financial Aid Release & Student Participation Agreement
- Federal Financial Student Aid Application
- Each semester you will need to reapply for EVT and fill out a new Financial Aid Release and cashier statement.
More Information
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