Administrative Services
The Administrative Services section is responsible for all aspects of fiscal administration, personnel administration, capital improvements and property control, and information services. Fiscal responsibilities include: preparation of the operating budget; tracking personal services, expense and equipment, and capital improvement expenditures; federal cost reporting; developing and providing training related to fiscal policies and procedures; preparation of fiscal notes; and developing and implementing the internal audit procedures for the division. Personnel responsibilities include: overseeing all employee related programs and services to include recruitment, selection, classification, pay benefits, grievances and complaint resolutions, discipline and performance review and day to day compliance with applicable agency, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. Responsibilities related to capital improvements include monitoring the maintenance and repair of the division’s infrastructure; and overseeing leasing and telecommunications. Information services responsibilities include: coordinating the management of all DYS on-line mainframe computer systems and networks with the department’s Information Support & Technology Division; coordinating the compiling of DYS research and statistics (published by Research and Evaluation Section) and coordinating the compiling of the juvenile court database used to prepare the Juvenile Court Statistics (published by Research and Evaluation Section).
Administrative Section Staff:
- Christina Wood, Fiscal Administrative Manager (
- Angie Hoelscher, Management Analysis Specialist II (
- Regina Weber, Management Analysis Specialist I (
- Heather Laux, Administrative Office Support Assistant (
- Christy Kempker, Human Resources Manager (
- Bryan Hug, Personnel Officer (
- DiAnn Gilmore, Personnel Analyst (
- Bethany Gorney, Personnel Clerk(
- Angelee Haye-Mitchell, Personnel Clerk (