What services are available?

The Prevention of Blindness Program offers free education about blindness, other eye conditions, and eye care services. The goal is to prevent blindness through early diagnosis and treatment through:

  • Treatment services, like financial help for costs of eye examinations, related testing, and medical emergency eye surgeries
  • Public education and informational materials about blindness and other eye conditions

Who is eligible?

To get help, you must be a United States citizen (or eligible qualified non-citizen) and a Missouri resident. Eligibility is also based on visual and financial guidelines.

Visual Eligibility

We will look to see if you have:

  • Visual acuity
  • Malformation or Malfunction of the eye
  • Progressive eye disease
  • Trauma to the eye

Financial Eligibility

We will consider your:

  • Household income
  • Insurance coverage (has no Medicaid, Medicare, or private insurance)

How do I get help?

Call 800-592-6004 to work with an RSB team member to fill out an application.