Take a look at Employment Services - from Rehabilitation Services For The Blind

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Here’s How We Can Help

Rehabilitation Services for the Blind (RSB) has a variety of services which can benefit you, the employer. We can be a valuable and dependable resource in your efforts to increase the efficiency and productivity of your business. Services may range from on-site job task analysis to placement of well-trained employees to consultation on ADA requirements.

Employer-Centered Approach to Services

As an employer, you are naturally concerned with selecting the right person for each position in your organization. This same selectivity is involved when considering which job matches the knowledge, skill, and ability of a worker who is blind or visually impaired. You should always hire the person who is most qualified and motivated. Visual impairments neither qualify nor disqualify anyone from employment. You can be assured that RSB has the needs of your business in mind when recommending a worker for a position.

Attributes of the Employee Who is Blind

Industry studies have shown workers who are blind or visually impaired are productive employees. The safety record of these workers is excellent and company insurance rates do not increase. These individuals are a dependable mainstay in an ever-changing and mobile work force.

Rehabilitation Technology

There are currently many technological aids available to enhance a blind or visually impaired individual’s ability to work. These range from simple tools adapted for use without vision to more sophisticated personal computers which can convert print to speech or braille. RSB personnel are knowledgeable about these aids and can assist in selecting and providing appropriate equipment for the job.

Employee Preparation

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RSB helps prepare people for employment with services like: travel training

  • vocational training
  • college
  • tools and equipment
  • adaptive technology
  • job development
  • job placement assistance
  • on-the-job training, including supported employment
  • GED
  • post-employment services

What Are The Jobs?

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There are many blind and visually impaired persons working throughout Missouri. These workers perform a variety of tasks from professional activities to unskilled jobs. They work as attorneys, computer programmers, machinists, food service workers, teachers, medical transcribers, receptionists, nurse’s aids and in many other occupations. They all have one thing in common - they were hired by perceptive employers who recognized their abilities.


District Offices Contact Information

If you are interested in the services offered by the Business Enterprise Program, please call Toll Free: 1-800-592-6004, or send Email to askrsb@dss.mo.gov