- Dental Advisory Committee
Committee Information The Dental Program is part of the Clinical Services Unit and maintains oversight of the purchase and delivery of Dental Services on behalf of the MO HealthNet population. The Dental Program develops and implements policy to insure services which are medically necessary, appropriate, and cost effective. Clinical expertise is made available to Division and Departmental staff via consultation on issues related to the Dental Program.
In 2006 the MO HealthNet Division established a Dental Advisory Committee (DAC). DAC meetings are held quarterly to discuss dental policy and procedures as it relates to the MO HealthNet population. The DAC members consist of an Oral Surgeon, Orthodontist, Pedodontist, Dental Hygienist and General Practice Dentists.
Committee Information
- Durable Medical Equipment Advisory Committee
The Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Advisory Committee is a forum through which the State agency and selected providers can participate together in the development and implementation of policy and administration of the DME Program.
The mission of the DME Advisory Committee is to:
- Advise the agency regarding policy and administration by providing insight into the various aspects of the program from the perspective of the DME community, as well as the professional and scientific concerns of the different DME specialties.
- Interpret administration of the DME program to the medical community in light of legislative, regulation and budget considerations.
- Review and comment on policy proposals and revision of existing policy.
- Recommend needed policy or revisions of existing policy.
- Provide input regarding the impact of current relative values and fee schedule for equipment.
- Bringing other concerns of the DME community to the attention of the agency.
The committee consists of providers from various specialties of the DME community. Meetings are scheduled on a quarterly basis.
Committee Information
- MO HealthNet Community Connection
The MO HealthNet Community Connection is an opportunity for MO HealthNet participants/members to share their opinions and speak to Department of Social Services (DSS) MO HealthNet Division (MHD) team members about the services and care they receive through either MO HealthNet or one of the Managed Care health plans. Visit the MO HealthNet Community Connection page to learn more.
- MO HealthNet Oversight Committee
The MO HealthNet Oversight Committee was created in 2007 by Senate Bill 577. The Committee is charged with evaluating the MO HealthNet program and its implementation.
The Committee meets 4 times a year in Jefferson City. Each meeting is open to the public and focuses on the Committee’s overall objective to:
- Review participant and provider satisfaction, public input and health outcomes
- Review health-delivery models and results from other states
- Review results of studies comparing health plans
- Review data from health-risk assessments
- Determine how to best present findings to the General Assembly and Governor
- Review and consider the forecasted budget issued by the Legislative Budget office
Committee Information
- Non-Pharmacuetical Mental Health Services Prior Authorization Advisory Committee
The MO HealthNet Non-Pharmaceutical Mental Health Services Prior Authorization Advisory Committee was created by Rule 13 CSR 70-98.020. This committee consists of clinicians who are licensed in their respective fields. The committee represents a broad spectrum of practice including, but not limited to, those providing services to adults, children, children in state custody, the geriatric population, and Department of Mental Health clients.
The committee is composed of three (3) Psychiatrists, three (3) Psychologists, three (3) Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), and three (3) Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC). The members are appointed by the Director of The Department of Social Services and serve a four year term. No compensation is received by the members, although expenses related to participation on the committee is reimbursed.
The MO HealthNet Non-Pharmaceutical Mental Health Services Prior Authorization Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations regarding the Prior Authorization process. The committee meets quarterly to review data regarding the Prior Authorization process, discuss any required policy changes and, to make recommendations to MO HealthNet regarding best practice.
Committee Information
- Pharmacy Advisory Committees
The MO HealthNet Pharmacy Program has three different advisory committees: Drug Prior Authorization Advisory Committee, the Drug Utilization Review Board, and the Advisory Council on Rare Diseases and Personalized Medicine. For information, please visit the . For information, please visit the MO HealthNet Pharmacy Advisory Committee page.
- Quality Assurance & Improvement Committee
The MO HealthNet Managed Care Quality Assessment and Improvement (QA&I) Advisory Group was created with the inception of Managed Care. The purpose of the QA&I Advisory Group is to impact service utilization through collaborative monitoring and continuous quality improvement activities. The QA&I Advisory Group and task forces assist in maintaining an open forum for collaboration and communication among;
- Managed Care Organizations (MCOs),
- other stakeholders (i.e. advocates, consumers, and providers),
- and state agencies (the Department of Mental Health; Social Services; Insurance, Financial Institutions, and Professional Registration; Elementary and Secondary Education; and Health and Senior Services).
The QA&I Advisory Group meets on a quarterly basis.
Committee Information