June 09, 2017
Disaster Food Stamp Program to help 27 flood impacted Missouri counties
Jefferson City, MO— Following White House approval of Governor Eric Greitens' request for a federal disaster declaration, the Missouri Department of Social Services (DSS) received authorization from the United States Department of Agriculture to operate a Disaster Food Stamp Program in 27 counties across the state. This program will provide food assistance to Missouri families who were directly impacted by the recent flooding.
Families receiving Food Stamp benefits and families typically not qualified for the program may be eligible to receive the Disaster Food Stamp benefit if they have suffered property damage, loss of income, relocation, or loss of food due to the recent flood.
The amount of the Disaster Food Stamp one-time benefit is based on the maximum monthly Food Stamp benefit for the family size. After applying, eligible families currently receiving Food Stamp benefits will have food benefits increased to the maximum amount for that month.
The Family Support Division (FSD) will only be able to accept these applications during the week of June 12-16. Families already receiving Food Stamp benefits can submit a "Disaster Food Stamp" form found at http://dss.mo.gov/recovery-information.htm. Impacted families not currently on the Food Stamp Program must apply in person at a Family Support Division Resource Center. If a family is eligible, FSD will issue benefits within three days after receiving their application. Applicants need to bring a photo ID or two other documents like utility bills or mail received to verify identity.
Residents impacted by the flood in the following counties may apply for Disaster Food Stamp assistance:
Bollinger, Butler, Carter, Douglas, Dunklin, Franklin, Gasconade, Howell, Jasper, Jefferson, Madison, Maries, McDonald, Newton, Oregon, Osage, Ozark, Pemiscot, Phelps, Pulaski, Reynolds, Ripley, Shannon, St. Louis, Stone, Taney, and Texas counties.
Family Support Division Resource Center locations will have additional staff on-hand from June 12-16 to assist with Disaster Food Stamp applications.
For additional information, please contact the FSD Information Center at 1-855-FSD-INFO or go to http://dss.mo.gov/recovery-information.htm. For information about additional flood recovery resources, visit https://recovery.mo.gov/.