What is Treatment Foster Care?
Treatment Foster Care (TFC) is therapeutic services for foster children between the ages of 6-20 with significant medical, developmental, emotional, or behavioral needs. TFC offers specific treatment services to the child based on their individual needs to help offer additional support. TFC services are provided by Child Placing Agencies contracted with the Children's Division to develop, support, and oversee TFC homes. For more information, use the map on this page to reach out to a TFC provider near you.

Treatment Foster Care providers specialize in caring for children with developmental disabilities or behavioral health needs. If you are currently a foster parent or have relevant experience in this field and are interested in becoming a treatment foster caregiver, contact an agency near you using the map below to get started.

If you are interested, as an agency, to receive a Treatment Foster Care Contract, you must first have a Missouri Child Placing Agency License. To start this process, please email Dawn Phillips at dawn.phillips@dss.mo.gov. The map below shows current TFC providers as well as current areas of need in Missouri.

If you are a current foster care provider with a child or youth in your home who you feel might need Treatment Foster Care services, please contact your case manager to request the youth have a level of care assessment.