Background Information
The Older Youth Program incorporates the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999, a federal legislation, which introduced the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program in each state. The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) was signed into law as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act on February 9, 2018. With the passage of the law, the name of the grant was changed to Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood (CFCP).
How does it help?
The Older Youth Program allows the division to offer services and financial help to young adults trying to develop their skills, education and independence. Help is offered through three programs:
- The Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood (services are being provided by a contractor or Community Partnership)
- Transitional living services (housing options that are also being provided through contracted agencies)
- Independent living arrangements
It is important to note that the Older Youth Program is not a substitute for a permanency goal, and Independent living is not an alternative to adoption for youth. Those who are enrolled in the Older Youth Program will continue efforts to locate and achieve placement in adoptive families. Each person's case goal will be different, depending on the goals and the needs of the person.
What services are available?
The goal of the Older Youth Program is to help those who are eligible make the transition to self-sufficiency through the services offered. Services include:
- Help getting a high school diploma
- Help finding and applying for colleges
- Career exploration and training
- Finding and keeping a job
- Training in daily living skills
- Help finding a place to live
- Help with budgeting and financial management skills
- Substance abuse prevention
- Preventive health activities (including smoking avoidance, nutrition education, and pregnancy prevention)
- Emotional support through mentors
- Crisis intervention funds (to help with rent and utilities, food)
- Financial, housing, and other appropriate supports and ser-vices for young people 18-23 formerly in foster care
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Child Abuse or Neglect
School Violence
Human Trafficking