Missouri Caregiver and Adoption Resource Education (MO C.A.R.E.)
MO C.A.R.E Training Curriculum
- Online Overview
- Overview
- Video Overview
- Key Federal Laws Resource
- Understanding Child Welfare and the Courts
- What is Child Abuse and Neglect? Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms
- How the Child Welfare System Works
- Discussion Questions
- Overview of the Child Welfare System PrePost
- Overview of the Child Welfare System PrePost Answer Key
- Overview of the American Indian Alaska Native Child Welfare System PrePost
- Overview of the American Indian Alaska Native Child Welfare System PrePost Answer Key
- Attachment
- Facilitator Classroom Guide
- PowerPoint
- PowerPoint - videos embedded
- Handout 1
- Handout 2
- Handout 3
- Dark Matter 4s
- Dark Matter 4s AD
- Dark Matter Clip 1
- Dark Matter Clip 1 AD
- Jacob Ham Ambivalent
- Jacob Ham Ambivalent AD
- Jacob Ham Avoidant
- Jacob Ham Avoidant AD
- Relationship Focused Discipline
- Relationship Focused Discipline AD
Separation, Grief, and Loss
- Facilitator Classroom Guide
- PowerPoint
- PowerPoint - videos embedded
- Handout 1
- Handout 2
- Handout 3
- Handout 4
- Handout 5
- Podcast: Gregory Manning
- Podcast: Gregory Manning Transcript
- Debbie Riley
- Debbie Riley AD
- Sydney
- Sydney AD
Effective Communication
Parenting Paradigm
Trauma-Related Behaviors
Trauma-Informed Parenting
- Facilitator Classroom Guide
- PowerPoint
- PowerPoint - videos embedded
- Handout 1
- Podcast: Bruce Perry
- Podcast: Bruce Perry Transcript
- Podcast: Diane Lanni
- Podcast: Diane Lanni Transcript
- Living Room 1
- Living Room 1 AD
- Living Room 2
- Living Room 2 AD
Creating a Stable, Nurturing, and Safe Home Environment
Foster Care: A Means to Support
Maintaining Children's Connections with Siblings, Extended Family Members, and Their Community
- Facilitator Classroom Guide
- PowerPoint
- PowerPoint - videos embedded
- Handout 1
- Family Connections
- Family Connections AD
- Foster Clip: Mary
- Foster Clip: Mary AD
Reunification: The Primary Permanency Planning Goal
Cultural Humility
Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Families
Impact of Substance Use
Parenting a Child with a History of Sexual Trauma
- Attachment
- Building Resilience for Kinship Caregivers
- Child Development
- Connections with Birth Families After Adoption
- Creating a Stable, Nurturing, and Safe Home Environment
- Cultural Humility
- Effective Communication
- Expanding Your Parenting Paradigm
- Foster Care - A Means to Support Families
- Impact of Substance Use
- Intercountry Adoption Process Overview
- Kinship Parenting
- Maintaining Children's Connections
- Mental Health Considerations
- Overview of the American Indian Alaska Native Child Welfare System
- Overview of the Child Welfare System
- Parenting a Child with a History of Sexual Trauma
- Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Families
- Preparing for and Managing Intrusive Questions
- Reunification – The Primary Permanency Planning Goal
- Separation, Grief and Loss
- Trauma Informed Parenting
- Trauma Informed Behaviors
- Pre-Post Answer Key